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If you have hardwood floors in your home, it’s easy to love them. No doubt about it — this luxurious variety of flooring is an aesthetic investment whose versatility and durability can satisfy any homeowner for years to come.

However, wood certainly isn’t bulletproof, and even the best hardwood will begin to break down over time. With an interior décor investment like hardwood flooring, it’s essential to pay attention to maintenance milestones so as to ensure your floors are in the best shape they can be for the longest lifespan possible.

In this article, we’ll review 5 common signs that hardwood floors exhibit when they’re in need of repair.

Creative Team
Creative Team February 19th, 2024

hardwood flooring repair 1


If you’ve had the same floors for 20 years or more, those panels are due for a touch-up. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean they need to be replaced! With proper care and maintenance, a quality hardwood floor is likely to last 100 years or more before needing a full replacement. Be sure to know the date of your floor’s installation to ensure it’s meeting the standards for its age.


The wear that occurs to a hardwood floor over time is inevitable. From the rubber soles of workboots to the accidental scratches from moving furniture, your hardwood will eventually begin to show signs of the household activities that surround it. If your hardwood is riddled with scratches, dimples, or cracks, you want to get those taken care of as soon as possible.


As hardwood floors age, they naturally loosen and develop gaps between boards. As a result, the wood planks rub against one another and produce sounds like creaks and squeaks. Not only can these noises be disruptive to sleep and concentration in the home, but they can indicate that your boards need to be refastened or lubricated to prevent further damage — and to keep the noise from driving you up the walls!


Hardwood is so highly desirable because of its rich colors and warm hues. Unfortunately, failure to properly maintain the wood causes the coloration to dull and fade over time. If a protective sealant has not been administered recently enough, the hardwood is also vulnerable to stains. Stay on top of your product supplier’s recommended maintenance schedule to preserve the quality of your floor’s color and to keep it vibrant generation after generation.


Perhaps the last to be considered, but the hardest repair to make, is that of warping, curvature, and bending in the boards. Changes to floor shape may be the result of shifts in air pressure, humidity, temperature, and exposure to liquid. Although this can cause irreparable damage over time, if treated in a timely manner, most floors only need partial repairs or replacements to ameliorate the warping.

Now that you know the major telltale signs of hardwood floor deterioration, be sure to take a look at your own. Are your floors exhibiting any of these signs of wear and tear? If so, it may be time for a repair! Whether the flaw to be fixed is a minor or major project, All Flortec of New Jersey has the services you need to restore your beloved hardwood floors and get them gleaming back to their original condition.